Wednesday, January 14, 2009

In Response to Brittany's Blog - FRIENDS

On Friends - Brother Keith preached about this a few months ago, wherein he said:

1. You have friends that are your intimate friends (best friends) people you share everything with and don't hold back. Probably life long friends.

2. You have your casual friends that you hang around with, have fun with, share some of your life with, but probably don't know every facet of your life.

3. And you have acquaintance friends. People that you know, probably see occasionally because y'all run around in the same circle, but that probably you don't know too much about.

In my opinion, everyone needs to have these three levels of friends. And I'm sure, you Brittany, have all of these and that's probably why you think your circle of friends keep changing. I think our friends do change over time. I think we all grow and some of us grow apart and some of us grow stronger together. For example, my parents have been friends with two couples that they met before any of us kids were born. They have been friends with each other for 25 + years. One of the families has moved several times across the country and back and still they remain friends. I think this is something very hard to come by and something to treasure. So I don't think it's you Brittany....we all go through the same thing. I just hope you, Nathan, Joseph and me are as lucky as my parents.

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